Finding Confidence with Fashion

When I decided to write a men’s style blog and offer unsolicited advice my goal was to help men find their rhythm with fashion. I want men to feel and look their best effortlessly. I believe that understanding and mastering style can not only make you look good, but it can also help you to build confidence and a positive body image. I’ve spent over 10 years working and studying fashion. I apply my knowledge and experience to assist men in creating the image they want to portray to the world. 

The way we dress has a large effect on how we feel about ourselves. It effects our self-esteem, how we physically carry ourselves and how we interact with people. While I’m not qualified to help you build confidence through psychological channels (I’m not a doctor, I don’t even play one on T.V.) I can offer up some suggestions on how clothing and fashion can help you build a solid foundation towards building self-confidence through style.

Stop Over Thinking It!

It sounds easy I know, but this can be the hardest thing to do. Sometimes I over think my outfits to the point that I get stressed out. I focus on what's wrong with my look instead of what's right, and I feel like every fit needs to be perfect and I worry about stupid things like "is my shirt too big" or "do my shoes work with this look?” And for the days when I don’t feel ready to take on the world, I make sure to wear at least one of my tried-and-true item’s.  We all have clothes that we love and favour over others, so use this to your advantage when getting ready in the morning. 

For me, a go to outfit that I relay on consist of a leather jacket, light weight hoodie, jeans, and lace-up boots. It’s foolproof! Think about what makes you feel good, and what is guaranteed to get you a compliment. A kind word goes a long way, I’m just saying’…

Inspiration Comes in All Forms 

I recently did a post of style influence in television and film, it’s a reference a lot of men unconsciously use while shopping. Though I don’t have any personal style icons, I tend to gravitate toward characters who capture these personal style principals:

-       Wore perfectly tailored clothes without over thinking it

-       Wardrobe consisted of a neutral colour plate 

-       Maintained a clean mix of business, casual and street wear to achieve their overall look

-       Did not overwhelm people with multiple logos all over the place. 

I think those who know me, would agree that this sums up my style perfectly. Find someone you can identify with, whether it’s body type, style similarities or characteristics. The purpose of this is purely about building a reference for where you see yourself and finding a starting point to build up your confidence. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to a everybody else.

Another thing I would strongly suggest is creating a folder in your phone with images of looks you come across on blogs, Instagram, or Pinterest. It’s an excellent reference point and will assist you tremendously in building day to day looks.  

Best Form of Therapy

Despite what some may think, retail therapy does do wonders for the ego. We all know how satisfying it is to secure that coveted item you’ve had on your eye on. It also gets you thinking about how amazing it will look when you wear it out for the first time. So, I encourage you go out and treat yourself. Spend some of that hard earned cash you saved and go shopping. Between new clothes or a sartorial gift to yourself like a grooming kit, take the time to indulge yourself, because to me that’s the first step to building the confidence you desire.

When it’s done right, it’s amazing how many people will comment on how good you look, or how they like your outfit.  Even a little comment on the shoes or watch you are wearing; you will be amazed how much confidence these little comments give you. That confidence will come across in your posture, the way you are speak, and over help you to project the confidence we so deeply desire. As always let’s keep the conversation going in the comments and let’s discuss what helps you feel confident. Do you see a correlation between fashion and confidence? And what makes you feel confident? 


Luxury Shopping: Deconstructing the Hype


Style Secrets: Where to Splurge & Where to Save