The Reset: Welcome to 2022

With 2021 in the rear view, I wanted to kick the new year off with a post that focuses on how you can successfully start the year off right. I think it’s important to reflect, embrace and implement the things you’ve learned to ensure a great year. So, I wanted to share some recommendations that I think you would benefit from hearing. Let’s face it, New Year’s resolutions produce two types of men, those who will act and stick to their resolutions and those who either fall off or watch from the sidelines. I hope this will encourage you to be the former. 

Support the New Designers

If we’ve learned anything over the last two years, it’s that where you spend your money makes all the difference and the phrase here today, gone tomorrow has literally become the new way business model for this new decade. I’d encourage you to be even more intentional about the brands you support and champion more designers of colour. If you were to ask anyone off the street to name some brands of colour chances are their list would consist of Off-White, Fear of God, Pyer Moss and Ozwald Boateng. Take the opportunity to learn about more brands like Art Comes First, Bianca Saunders, the Brooklyn Circus and Carrots by Anwar Carrots. There’s an excellent article in Esquire introducing 70 Brands of colour and in 2022 let’s making every piece count! We're dressing with purpose, and I think everyone should strive to build a wardrobe that reflects both style, inclusion and designers who envision a more sustainable and equal vision for the future.

Shop for Life, Not for Work

As this year begins let’s blur the lines between work and life. Now, unless you work in the corporate section and are required to be in a suit and tie during work hours this shouldn’t be too hard. 

** But if you do have to wear a suit and tie for work, can we start getting in the habit of dressing the lower half in sweatpants instead of hanging out in your underwear for those Zoom meetings. ** 

Three years ago, I came to the realization that the closet I’d built over the past decade was almost entirely filled with work clothes, which meant that I was conspicuously lacking in life clothes. My lounge wear was nearly non-existent, so I changed things by simply reassessing items in my closet and when I shop. So instead of just mindlessly hitting the online checkout button on another black sweater consider repurposing items that haven’t been worn in a while.

Find Meaning

The thought of not setting or trying to set goals can foster the idea of complacency, or even failure. When that moment of doubt creeps in most guys will disregard the idea of setting goals all together. While other men can accept their failures and successes as a part of the process, I think the most important thing is to spend less time on things that aren’t productive. If they aren’t a part of your goals, they shouldn’t be a part of your life! Period. No one wants to be looking back 10 years later only to realize: You could have spent more time trying new things, learning a new skill, making more time for family, etc. instead of sitting on your ass and doing a whole lot of nothing.

Get Your Money Right

I think this is the second biggest resolution next to going to the gym. Let’s face it most of y’all haven’t done enough to check or clean up your finances and if all this down time has taught you anything it’s that time is not always on your side. Now I just want to keep this as brief as possible so here’s all you really need to know:

-       Pay off your old debts! 

-       Take note of how much you’re spending regardless of if it’s frivolous or big purchases 

-       Sticking to a budget won’t kill your swag

-       Consider making investments and getting personal insurance

Thank you for coming to my finance talk.

Do You!

Last year when I started this blog, I had no idea how it would be received. Would people sh’t on it, or will anyone even care?  These were some of the thought’s and fears I had, but I knew that I had the skills, talents and knowledge that guys would find helpful to them on their journey and at the very least I could create a space for conversations to happen.  Don’t let the fear sway you in what you want to do, or how you live your life.  Take the time you rediscover your interest and define regardless of outside “noise” and get back to you. 

Consider these tips a starting point. Take these ideas and run wild, make 2022 a year with no regrets and endless adventures as you continue to write the next chapter of your life.  Set the bar higher than you’ve ever dreamed of, and you will see a greater rate of success in return. As always let keep the conversation going and leave a comment below with what your resolutions are for 2022. 



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