Unpopular Opinions: 2022 Edition

It’s a truth that no one likes to discuss or explore, but it needs to be done. I don’t think y’all understand just how many magazines, runway presentations, Instagram surfing and interviews I go through to post the most comprehensive insight of what’s happening in men’s fashion. But the truth is, my decisions are only as good as the dialogue they will generate. So, I’ll often reserve my hot takes for once a year and share them in a post where I can just release them all at one. 

Now let me be clear, I’m not pulling any punches or editing myself on this one. Yes, fashion is subjective and there needs to be space for self-expression, to experiment and be creative. But the execution will always be key. Maybe it’s the lack of precision that’s caused me to have negative thoughts on these looks. So, if after reading this post you’ve taken offence, I’d suggest you take a moment and reflect on how you’ve executed the look, and maybe if there was an opportunity to elevate the idea somehow. 

And now… with my disclaimer officially out of the way let’s get into my unpopular options for 2022:

Painted Nails
Although this is a form of expression that I totally support, with most guys it’s the execution that DRIVES ME UP THE WALL. First off, can we stick to darker colours? I think the look always looks better with a darker nail as it won’t stick out as much. Some guys seem to forget that the idea to to make it a part of the look not the main piece to your look.

I’ve seen plenty of men with a single or several painted nails, and as much as the colour choices bother me here’s the problem. Their nails are not well kept. The nails haven’t been manicured, their hands haven’t seen lotion in a minute or worst some men have that nasty cocaine pinky nails! Why? Why do something that will draw attention to a part of you that’s not accentuating you at your best? All you’re doing his highlighting an area that’s in need of some serious tlc.

Basketball Jerseys
Spoiler alert: The 2022 basketball season is over, and I’m ready to bet good money that the guys running around in these jerseys have never played for those teams. I know that when summer comes around most people are just trying to look good and beat the heat, but this isn’t it. Basketball jerseys are designed in bright colours and mascot logos, and I don’t care who you are no one can make this look good. Honestly, I don’t know what bothers me more, guys that wear a jersey or guys who wear a jersey AND a baseball hat. Let me know in the comments. I just feel it’s a huge disservice to the closet you’ve built and other options you probably haven’t explored.

Summer Beanies
This one bugs me more almost as much as the basketball jerseys do. I saw a guy on the street wearing a checkered pair of shorts, a short sleeve polo boat shoes and a full-on winter beaming on his head. I was so confused. Fellas I didn’t think that I’d have to reiterate this, but you cannot take the same accessories you use in the fall and bring them out in the summer. Now, if you’d like to challenge on that than I gladly welcome that debate.

The Unbuttoned Button Up
No one, and I mean no one wants to see that…. Like at all. I think men heard the phrase “Show a little skin” and jumped out the window with this one. Guys are out here going to events looking like the either rolled out of bed or like the we’re about to be caught in a passionate moment. It’s corny as hell, and I’m blaming Drake for this one. (Kidding… sort of)

Women have no desire to see a guy’s chest casually exposed for everyone to see. Especially with a rope chain! Again, if you are guilty of doing this, don’t @ me @ God for your questionable choices. The entire look is giving male escort in the 90’s, so on behalf of the seeing world put your chest away. Thank you!

The Designer Belt

We get it, but if I see one more Louis Vuitton or Hermès belt I’m going to lose it. These belts are so tacky. I can appreciate that you have either saved up enough money to afford this belt, or maybe you just got it like that but it’s a flex that’s been done to death. Much like a tank-sized SUV or an dying your hair neon, these belts are brash, hard to style and excessive. Just make a sign that read I need attention. It’s the type of fashion piece that is seen before the actual outfit. It just highlights your questionable taste in fashion.

So can we agree to please leave the overtly logoed, gold finishes and anything else excessive in the stores and on the runways. Not only will your trousers look better, but people will also stop mistaking you for an internet rapper. Win-win, really.

Hopefully none of you are guilty of wearing any of these looks and see what I’m saying about these looks. But I’d love to know what some of your unpopular opinions are. Do you agree with my list? Are there other looks that are deal breakers for you? Drop a comment below and let’s keep the conversation going.



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