Ankle Pants, Can We Discuss?

Whether you’ve seen them on someone else or have them in your hanging in your closet these pants are quickly becoming a staple in men’s fashion. But just because it’s become a style staple does not mean it’s meant to be worn with everything… or every time.  

Let me start off by saying I actually really like this look. I part take very often in the summertime, I think it can look really chic when done right. This look works really nicely in late Spring and Summer, paired with a crisp button-up, a fitted t-shirt and some nice low top sneakers or loafers. There a great alternative to shorts during the warmer months, the fabric is breathable and there’s a wide range of styles to choose from.  Exhibit A:

Here’s my problem, there’s a select group of guys who feel like ankle pants are a look that can be done during the winter… In Toronto. Why?! If you like this look then more power to you, however, I don’t get it. The ankle pants are a necessary trouser in any stylish guy’s arsenal. But to the guys who rock this look year-round… just… no. 

To those wondering What’s he talking about? it looks like this.

Black and Peach Look of the day Photo Collage.png

Now before we get into it, this is just one man’s opinion so don’t @ me. I’ve seen a lot of men in the dead of winter wearing a parka or an overcoat with ankle pants and tube socks. Why? You look weird. Is it a new wave Hipster thing I’m just not getting? We live in Canada, where the weather is ever changing throughout the day. Oh, and we’re still technically in Winter, real winter filled with snow, wind chills and frost bite. I’m trying to say it doesn’t translate well. To me it’s the equivalent to the guy in a hoodie and shorts because the sun’s out, but it’s still -10 degrees. You know that guy, don’t be that guy. 

My earliest memory of the ankle pant is from a beloved T.V. character from the series Family Matters by the name of Steve Urkel. Steve’s style always consisted of those big ass bifocal glasses, saddle shoes, white tube socks, a cardigan, a horizontal stripes polo shirt, suspenders and rolled up jeans or flood pants. Now I know the 90’s big right now, but you got to admit even this is too much. It’s funny to me what some guys will wear just to be trendy.


I blame UNIQLO and Club Monaco. For them, it’s become a year-round staple in their menswear, and it drives me nuts. Especially because as I mentioned earlier the fabrics are very breathable. How does that make sense in the winter? There’s so many options for guys to try out during the colder months like Corduroys, Flannel Trousers, Herringbone, Tweed and the tried and true denim.     

Clearly, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on this topic, so I’ll leave you with this if you’re gonna wear these pants all year keep these tips in mind… I got nothing. That’s how strongly I feel about it. But I’d love to know what you think about it. Hit me up on Instagram or Twitter and let me know are you hear for the Ankle pants year-round or do you agree with me that it makes more sense for the warmer months?


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