Scent Matters: How to Avoid the Most Common Pitfalls with Cologne

Alright gentlemen, over the last month I feel that we’ve begun to build a little community here. A communiity where we can have honest conversations and freely share ideas. But this conversation may cause some controversy, where talking abut cologne and I have some very black and white nonnegotiable opinions. Some men do it right, but many do it wrong and when I say wrong, I mean I have a list. Doing any of the following is wrong in my humble opinion:

 -      Applying way too much

-       Applying it to mask poor hygiene habits 

-       Wearing competing scents (i.e., a deodorant with fragrance and a uncomplimentary cologne)

Now, if you’ve done any of these then…


Seriously though if you’re guilty of any of these offences than all of your other style efforts will be wasted. You’ll be the guy who gave everyone in the room a headache with you scent or worse you will be the guy who stank up the joint. I’m here to ensure you stay on your A game every time, so let’s make sure your efforts at style stay fully appreciated. I’m going give you 5 tips that I swear by when it comes to wearing colognes. These tips will focus on application, making it last throughout the day, and ensuring you get positive reactions instead of “What the f*@! is that smell?”

Stop Over Applying Your Scent

To all the guys who over apply cologne, how dare you?! If we were living in the time where men still challenged each other to a duel, I would be asking you to see me outside at dawn. Everyone knows this of guy. You can smell him before he enters a room. Hell, you can smell him outside during a tornado. It’s offensive! There is absolutely no need to drench yourself in whatever you're fragrance of the moment is. Honestly all you’re doing is giving everyone around you a headache.  

Don’t Spray Directly on Your Clothes

Spraying a fragrance directly on your clothes especially if there’s a coloured dye in it can be impossible to wash out. The scent will linger on that shirt, and if you wear multiple scents you will unintentionally create a musk that will become associated with that piece of clothing every time you wear it. Also, when you apply fragrances to light coloured clothing it will often stain the fabric.


Embrace the 5 Point System

There is a correct way to apply cologne, and sadly many guys don’t know it. Ideally, men should apply cologne to their pulse points aka the warmest areas of their bodies. This usually includes the neck, chest, shoulders, wrists, and inner elbows these areas can project scent more efficiently. I believe cologne should be used to draw someone in, and for me I like to apply my cologne this way: 

-       One spray to each wrist

-       One spray behind each ear 

-       One spray to the chest

Check out the diagram below to see what other pulse points you should be applying your fragrances to.


I find that applying in this way supports the cologne to last longer and create a subtleness to the impact of my cologne on others. Be mindful when applying cologne to NEVER RUB IT IN. Many people will apply fragrance by spraying it on to a body part and then rub it into the skin. Stop that! You’re breaking down the notes that make up the scent of your fragrance. To keep the integrity of the scent you originally desired, apply it to the skin and let it dry naturally.

Find A Complementary Balance

It’s always important to find the balance between your scents, they should be complementary not competing. If your deodorant has hits of cedar and sandalwood maybe avoid a cologne that has elements of citrus, mints and florals. I like mild scents nothing bold or musky. I like unscented deodorants it allows for my cologne to be the standout scent. I like to go with the Arm & Hammer deodorant because it has no scent and provides me all the support that I need to get through the day. If you’re wondering my signature scent is Yes Saint Laurent L’Homme Eau De Toliette


Basic Hygiene Always Reigns Supreme

I don’t care how religiously you apply the previous rules, it means nothing without a solid foundation. Your hygiene game should be on point. If you sweat a lot, pay special attention in the shower to parts of your body that can get funky. Take a pause between your shower, applying your scents and lotions, and getting dressed. Doing this will allow your body to cool down and support the absorption of the fragrance. Be mindful of the fabrics you’re wearing. Do you wear breathable fabrics? Are they clean? If you have a case of stinky feet then start wearing cotton and natural fabric socks and put some Oder Eaters in your shoes. Embrace detergents that are fragrance free as it will eliminate a competing scent. Lastly, wear the necessary under garments. Tank tops and under shirts will help absorb oder and save your clothes from fermenting in the funk. Under garments are your friends.

Now that it’s getting warmer, and we are venturing out into the world again world please take these tips to heart. Comment below with your favourite fragrance or tips that work for you on how you keep your scent going all day. 


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