Who the Cap Fit? Are You a Hat Guy?

This week we’re talking about my favourite fashion accessory, Hats. When done right a hat can easily take your look from so-so to stylish with no effort at all. Hopefully this post will help you decide if you’re a hat guy or not. I have always had a great affinity for hats. I’ve been wearing and investing in hats since I was 13. Over the years I have often been surprised by how many men are either too afraid to try one on or consider them as an option for elevating their look.

Now, let me be clear when I say hats, I’m not talking about a baseball hat or that wide brim “fitted”. I blame several rappers in the early 2000’s for making grown men feel like the “fitted” is their only option for hats. But seriously, if you took part in this trend PLEASE comment below and explain the thought process behind that one. Did you feel like a rapper? Did it make you feel young and fresh? What is the “fitted” appeal?

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I’m not about to give you a long dissertation about the history of hats, the origins, the type of men who wore them and all that. I don’t have that kind of time and GQ conveniently has a video on it that I’ve placed right here. 

What I want do is gently nudge you into overcoming any hesitations about wearing a hat and how to begin dabbling. Hopefully these tips will inspire the confidence to incorporate more hats into your wardrobe. 

Take Baby Steps

Did you buy a hat a long time ago and are still working up the courage to wear it out publicly? Let’s be real wearing a hat makes a statement. Some guys shy away from the attention that a hat can bring. Now, if you’re self-conscious in a hat, but you’ve always liked the way they look, try going slow. When the world opens up go to a hat store like one of my favourites Brimz Hat Boutique and talk to an associate. I have always found the customer service at a legit hat store to be amazing. Staff will spend time talking to you about what hats may work for you and encourage you to try some styles on. Staff will give you honest feedback and suggestions on how to position the hat in ways that compliment your features. Even if you don’t make that first purchase the experience alone will make you feel a little more confident in trying out a hat.

Size Matters

I can’t stress this enough, but when you are shopping for a hat, please get the right size. When you remove a hat from your head there should be no indentation of the lining on your skin, that’s a clear indicator the hat is way too small for you. 

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Keep it Neutral 

I’ve been saying this from the beginning, keep it neutral. Do not go looking for a cherry red flat cap, or a denim fedora because it will look good with one specific outfit you have in your closet. You’re wasting your money on something you’ll most likely never wear again because it was meant for that one outfit. Embrace a colour wheel that will allow you intermix with almost everything in your closet. This will encourage you to wear the hat more often. 

Make It Your Own

Trust me I get it, between the endless styles to choose from, finding a hat that fits well, looks good and isn’t at odds with the rest of your wardrobe can be tricky. A lot of guys fail to remember that your entire look should support your confidence and that includes a hat. Avoid picking a hat that too trendy. For example, a look that a lot of guys are wearing now is the Fisherman’s Cap. I’ll be honest I tried the look out, I jumped on the band wagon and fell on my ass hard. It was a big fail. The hat did nothing for me or my style, but I bought it. I tried it out with serval outfits in my closet and felt so uncomfortable in it. In my mind every facial expression I made moved the cap to the point that it was slowly creeping off my head. It killed my swag and I ended up giving the hat away. I share this little story of failure to encourage you to find your comfort and elevate them from there.

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The Hat is the Statement

One look I often see guys try is pairing a fedora with sunglasses, I hate it this look. Who are you hiding from? It should really be one or the other, because most often it overshadows the entire look and the attention, you’ll receive is for being the guy who’s doing the most. I think the actual term is called Peacocking and, in this instance, it means that there’s way too much going on above the shoulders that no one can really take in the rest of your look.  

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However, say you're wearing a fitted beanie and decided to go one step further and throw on your new Ray Band shades (because who doesn't love a pair of Ray Bands) it works well with each other. If you’re going to try this combo, be sure that the hat you picked is not to elaborate like a fedora or a bucket hat. 

When it’s all said and done remember these key points

Who decides if you are a hat person? You do. 

Who decides if you have a face to pull off a hat?  You. 

Don’t shy away from branching out and trying new looks.  Start dressing to make yourself feel good and confident.  Let’s keep this conversation going, drop a comment about your thoughts on hats.   Are you into them or is it a hard pass?


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