Unpopular Opinions: Summer 2021

We all have an unpopular opinion with fashion. I’ve seen many trends getting increasingly popular this Summer and it’s left me completely flummoxed. I don’t know which Fashion Forecaster is trying to give these trends new life, but please just stop it! I do want to preface that I’m speaking from the perspective of a 30 something and could give a pass to men 25 and younger because there still trying to figure out what their style is. However, to the guy 28 and older I’m judging you.


I’m also not going to dwell on long-standing trends, because at this point they become ingrained in society. So, if you’re expecting to see white athletic socks and slides on this list, I’m sorry to disappoint you. Usually, I try to avoid a list like this, but my hope is that if I call them out now then that won’t build any further traction and become a thing

Also, let keep it real most people don’t like to admit it, but we all know that the way you dress sends message. Every piece you put on says something about you and people will judge you based on it. Remember a first impression are generally based on non-verbal communication, and that includes your wardrobe. Personally, I use my clothing to send a timeless and strategic message, one that reads confident, stylish, and poised. Sadly, the items I’m about to discuss do absolutely nothing to drive home that message. So, with that sad don’t come for me.

The Dangly Earing

I’m looking at you Dwayne Wade. I get that the 80’s is having a resurgence, but there are very few things from that decade that need to make a comeback. However, the single dangly earring is definitely in my top 5 of items that can stay in the 80’s. I think the issue I have with this trend is that the dangly earring can very easily look like you’re trying way to hard to be on trend. Good accessories should be highlight style and not stick out like a sore thumb. The dangly earring isn’t the most believable look on every guy. It often reads poser on most guys and leaves you looking ridiculous. There are some guys who pull this look off exceptionally and I just wish more guys were conscious of this before they dive into it. There’s a great article in The Cut about what the single earing means on a man, and I encourage you to take a sec and read it. 

Summer Jackets

Now here’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one! For me it’s not that I hate it, but I truly don’t get it. Summer is literally the hottest season of the year, and men don’t really have an endless number of options like women do. So, although I applaud the concept, I feel like it’s a pointless idea. Don’t get me wrong there are times where a summer jacket works but for the 92 to 105 days of the season the use is minimal at best.  

Tie Dye

I get it, we’ve been quarantining for 18 months everybody wants to try their hand at something new and boom here comes tie dye fashion again…. I just need people to stop trying to make this a look a look. Tie Dye screams children’s art project or that you’re heading to burning man for a weekend. Nothing about tie dye says elevated style. I could really go in on why this will always stay a flash in the pan for fashion moments, but I think I made my point. However, if your adamant on proving me wrong, then best of luck to you. Drop me a comment and let me know how it went. 


I don’t know who keeps digging these things out of their closet and trying to bring them back, but I need to have a conversation with them about the wilful misconduct it’s inflicting on the average consumer. Crocs are some of the most fugly looking pieces of footwear I’ve ever seen. You can’t incorporate crocs into any outfit, so designers please stop trying. The only time I’ll allow some leeway is to the frontline workers in the hospital. To anyone else you should be ashamed and keep that behind closed doors in your house.


Smaller Sunglasses

Small and tidy sunglasses became a big deal in 2019, thank you Bad Bunny. I didn’t get it then and I don’t get it now. They’ve run its course and can now be placed in your donations pile for the next drop off. 

Homeless Fashion

I’ve always found this “trend” so insulting, disrespectful, and ultimately f*cked up! This look has been around for a while and it’s something I could never get my head around. The torn and heavily ripped jeans, aggressively oversized layered pieces and tops riddled in holes are all taken from designers being inspired by the homeless. I can’t believe this even has to be said but homeless people are not trying to be fashionable provocateurs! They're trying to survive and the notion that poverty-stricken people have been referenced as a concept for high fashion screams volumes to how far we’ve strayed as a society, and I want no parts of that. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 

Oversized Fanny Packs

Seriously, what is this?! This looks so ridiculous to me. Men are walking around with a fanny pack the size of a midsize sedan on their chest and calling it style, but won’t even consider a tote, duffle, or messenger back as an option! I’m speechless. This is as indefensible as the crocs, and if you’re out here wearing this, you’re beyond my help!

That’s it! I hope that you appreciate my stance on these items and can appreciate where I’m coming from. I’d like to think that none of you are guilty of any of these fashion choices. But if you, are I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line in the comments and we can have a dialog where I can clearly break down why you’re wrong. Until next time.


Upgrading The Morning Hustle


Hey, Let’s Get Away